Thick Coconut Vanilla Chia Pudding — Cindy Spratt Nutrition

Thick Coconut Vanilla Chia Pudding

Chia pudding glass jar small.jpg

Chia pudding has got to be one of the simplest ways to make a yogourt style substitute without hardly any effort at all! I like to make a batch at the beginning of the week for quick and easy breakfast and/or snacks throughout the week.  It’s a great late morning snack to take with you on the go or to pop into your child’s lunch with a sprinkle of granola and fresh fruit.

It takes about 5 minutes to make and is a nutrient powerhouse, especially if you’ve had time to whip up your own Vanilla Cashew Coconut Milk (bonus points!) 😉

What we LOVE LOVE LOVE about Chia Seeds:

High Quality, Plant Protein
Supportive to Digestion & GI Tract Repair
Protective of Heart & Supportive of Cardiovascular Health
High in Antioxidants - Protective Against Brain Degeneration & Cancer
High in Fibre & Omega 3s
High in Minerals: Iron, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, & Zinc
Particularly High in Potassium, Calcium & Magnesium: Good for Bone Health & Development
Beneficial for Blood Sugar Stability & Diabetes
Beneficial for Athletes: Supports Metabolic Function, Strong Energy Levels & Endurance

Thick Coconut Vanilla Chia Pudding

1 can full fat coconut milk
½ cup almond milk
2 tsp vanilla
2 Tbsp maple syrup
1/3 cup chia seeds
Note: for Chocolate Chia Pudding, add 2 Tbsp cacao powder

  • Combine all ingredients in your blender, except chia seeds, until smooth. Pour chia seeds in to the bottom of a large glass mason jar and pour blended milk over top. Stir well with a spatula and place in the fridge.

  • Chill for about an hour, then return to the jar and stir again, making sure to stir up chia seeds that have pooled in the bottom. Chill for at least 4 hours, overnight is better.

  • Serve cold sprinkled with fruit, your favourite granola, or nuts and seeds.

Other Recipes that use Chia: Hippie Trail Cookies, Coconut Mango Blueberry Muffins 😋😋