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Rebuilding Positive Relationships with Food & Body


It’s simple: I want to help you reunite with food in a way that makes you feel great, inspires better health, and nurtures your entire being.

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Eating Psychology Counsellor, specializing in Culinary Nutrition & Eating Disorder Recovery. I am a wife and mother, a cancer survivor, a distance runner and nature lover, and a total Food Fanatic! After spending over a decade battling an Eating Disorder in my younger years, followed by a Cancer Diagnosis in my early 30s, I have spent the last 15 years studying and learning how to provide support to others out there looking for a Holistic Approach to thriving health and emotional/mental happiness & stability.

Read My Full Story Here

As a Nutritional Practitioner, my approach to health intertwines what I know and love about nutrition with eating psychology, body image healing, dysfunctional eating recovery, and culinary passion.

Teaching about nutrition is simply not enough: true nourishment is both highly individualized and all encompassing in mind, body, and spirit. In order to be heard and healed in a way that is sustainable long-term, we must consider the person, and all aspects of their life, as a whole.

What we eat is only half of the story. 
Who we are as human beings is the other half.

One-on-One Consultation

When it comes to one-on-one consulting, I am committed to recognizing and honouring the importance of working in a unique & specialized way with diet, while also honouring mind-body connection and emotional intuition. My style is wholehearted, all encompassing, transparent, and highly individualized.

It is my mission to help clients make realistic and sustainable changes to lifestyle, habits AND diet, that will last them their lifetime.

Eating Disorder Recovery Counselling

Eating Disorder Recovery Counselling involves supporting clients Holistically through their unique, individual recovery process from Dysfunctional Eating.

A Holistic Approach involves supporting the individual beyond Nutrition: including habitual, mental, & emotional guidance.

Personalized Batch Cook

Together we will design a Personalized Batch Cook to execute together at your home. Fill your fridge and freezer, gain culinary & nutritional teachings, and get inspired to eat well, cook with real food, and feel really good about the food you are feeding your family!

Eat to Feel Good. Feel Good About Eating.
