Food Relationships
I am a huge advocate for helping others develop positive relationships with food. Through individual counselling, workshops, and words of encouragement, I do my very best to show others how to improve and grow in order to feel good about themselves, good about the food they eat & the body they are in.
why the body needs carbohydrates
Looking for a little clarity around carbohydrate consumption? Learn why the carbohydrate has gotten a bad rap, how to change your mindset around carb consumption, and find your own unique macronutrient balance so that you can feel good long term without guilt!
dysfunctional eating recovery and forgiveness
How forgiveness can support your recovery journey and free you from the burden of difficult emotional restraints.
Taking Care of dysfunctional eating tendencies during the Holidays
When we have had a disordered past with Food, the healing work is always present. We may go through periods of time where we feel stable and grounded and capable, and we may also find ourselves faced with challenging times, where old triggers and feelings come forward, and we are thrown new obstacles to overcome.
Sticking to Your Health Goals Throughout the Holidays
There are many simple & doable ways to maintain strong health AND feel good throughout the Holiday season, even when you allow some indulgence!
You can also navigate the parties confidently with just a few smart tools and strong intentions.
Mindset Shifts & Food Relationship Healing
When it comes to rebuilding a positive relationship with food, it’s important to look beyond food choice. Where we may have thought changing what we ate would change how we felt, we have realized there is so much more to it than that. Learn some Mindset Shifts I use in my practice as a powerful way to support Food Relationship Healing.
Eat Cake: Indulge With Intention
You can be strong in your conviction to eat well, be well, feel well, and still receive all the benefits of indulgence, my friend. Allowing good quality treats as part of your regular dietary regime is not only justifiable, but arguably necessary. No kidding.
It can be done.
With Integrity.
Why FOOD RHYTHM Is Your Ticket To Feeling Good All Day Long
A simple strategy that has worked for so many of my clients - when & how you eat throughout the day has a great affect on how you feel. Maintain stable blood sugars, better energy, focus, and mood, and sustain strong health long term!
Stepping Away From the Scale
One of the most amazing and transformational tools in recovering from a dysfunctional past with food is to remove the scale. Allowing a numerical value to decide your self worth is an easy way to give your power away. Take back your power by letting go of the scale and deepening a loving relationship with food and body.