Food Relationships
I am a huge advocate for helping others develop positive relationships with food. Through individual counselling, workshops, and words of encouragement, I do my very best to show others how to improve and grow in order to feel good about themselves, good about the food they eat & the body they are in.
We All Take Our Turn: The Truth About How We Are Doing
Perhaps in a world where we feel we have to consistently question the truth, adding more of our personal truths wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. Might we shed some much needed light on how we are all actually doing in an effort to spread more truth, more help, more connectedness? Might we all take our turns being not ok, so that we can better help others when it’s their turn?
Becoming An Intuitive Eater
If you have found yourself to be a detached/distracted eater: eating while driving/working/trying to solve the world’s problems, it is perhaps time to reconnect you with your innate needs for food. Eating intuitively is foundational to building a healthful, positive relationship with food, one that will help you feel better about your self and your body.
Holistic Ways to get a Handle on Your Anxiety
If anxiety is something you struggle with regularly, maybe it’s time to take a good look at what’s really going on and how to apply some simple strategies to help you feel better.
Perhaps it is most important, during such times of absolute chaos & frustration, to begin to allow our truths to come forward. It is time to give voice to the pain & shame associated with real struggles and force change to take place. Here I share some sacred lessons I learned along my road to recovery that may help you, or those around you, give voice to your truth & support the path to recovery.
Bravery in the Face of Fear
During times of intense stress & uncertainty, fear can easily take the upper-hand. What if we could harness that fear and turn it into something more powerful; something that might make our lives feel and be different in a more meaningful way?
What are your super powers?
Embodiment: Deepen Your Relationship with Food & Body
A missing link so often overlooked with the thinking around diet & health, embodiment practices can help us tune in, reconnect, and expand our relationship with ourselves, but also improve how we relate to our body and to food. How can we use embodiment practices to strengthen our relationship with mind, body, and food?
Wanna Lose 5 Pounds?
Somewhere in the back of your mind, are you almost always thinking about losing those 5 pounds? Do you feel stuck with these extra pounds; stuck with the feeling that you can never quite achieve the goal that you want with your weight? Here is a new way of looking at those 5 pounds; a new way of thinking about what your life might look like without this worry.
Setting Intentions for the Holiday Season
I strongly believe that setting an intention is a great way to better your success at meeting goals, whether they be health oriented or not. At this particular time of year when it seems easier to throw them out the window, it is actually the most crucial time to pay attention, tune inwards, set an intention and follow through.
The Dose Makes the Poison
In a world inundated with health claims and diet fads, nutritional dos and don’ts, we are drowning in protocols and manuals, online programs and conflicting opinions, confused about what to believe and which path to follow.
Perhaps it is not what we choose to eat or which diet or protocol to follow, but rather, how much we tip the scales one way or the other.
My Secret to Healing from Cancer
We often surprise ourselves when it comes to healing, health, & human growth. Cancer has been one of my biggest teachers in this life, not because I learned how to live a healthier life, but because I’ve learned how to live a better life. There is so much more to the healing process than food, nutrition, & toxicity levels: it is about an all encompassing approach to everything.
Cleanse Your Own Way
As with all health practices, cleansing must receive respect and care in the same way as any other diet or lifestyle shift. Cleansing is not for everyone and not any one cleanse can meet the needs of every person. Make your cleansing choices with care, for the right reasons, and with the support and intent to succeed!
Moving away from excess sugar into the New Year is a great place to start on your path to better health. We know we will feel better, work better, function better, without it. But HOW do we take it out? HOW do we move towards letting go of sugar in a successful, nurturing way?
replacing new year’s resolutions with real goals
This New Year, set realistic, doable goals rather than getting lost in hard to sustain resolutions. Realistic goal setting is not about reaching the highest point, nor is it a race to see who can get the healthiest, the quickest. It involves honestly thinking about something you could actually do; are willing to do; and want to do.
Preventing Eating Disorder Development in your kids
Eating disorders are still running rampant amongst society: in our young children and youth, in our 20 somethings, in our adult populations and even in the older ones. No matter your relationship intensity with Eating Disorders, there exists great power in knowledge, awareness of risk factors, and strength in prevention, especially when you have children.
Making Peace With Food
We live in a diet world.
Inundated daily with information instructing us what to eat, what not to eat, how to have a better body, flatter abs, be a certain size. We have been assaulted by diet lingo now for decades.
It’s time for a change.
What Your Cravings Are Trying To Tell You
Cravings are not some kind of negative, will power failure, they are a way for your body to communicate with you. Are you listening? If we are curious about what cravings actually mean, whether it be emotional insight or a physiological imbalance, we can begin to understand their importance and how to appease the craving without inducing negative eating behaviours!
raising intuitive eaters
Most of us were raised to believe that certain foods were “bad” while others were “good” and that how we behaved would dictate what we got to eat that day. The problem with this way of raising eaters, is that it teaches children to detach from food; to put food into “good” and “bad” categories; igniting feelings of insecurity, lack of control, guilt, and shame when it comes to food.
Our Relationship with food; our relationship with our mother
As a woman, 2 of our most significant relationships in our lives involve our relationship with our mother and our relationship with food. Not surprisingly, they are intricately connected.