If you’ve felt lost, frustrated, defeated, and confused, by all the accessible Nutritional teachings online and otherwise, maybe it’s time to dive into to some specific support that is unique to only you!

My superpower, as a Nutritional Counselor, is that I am well-rounded, compassionate, understanding, and an absolute freaking-fantastic cheerleader. I know what it’s like to struggle with your food relationship, to flip flop between the good days and the awful ones, feeling as though you want to be free from it and not knowing how. I am deeply passionate about supporting others in recovery and have worked with many clients who’ve felt like they are so over feeling shitty about themselves, getting locked into that negative headspace, going round & round on the hamster wheel of self-sabotage, and they just want to feel GOOD IN THEIR BODY LONG TERM.

This Comprehensive 12 - Week Support Program is a unique opportunity for you to receive a focused and intense amount of support and guidance to really see you through the process of transformation.

I’m not interested in doing anything half-assed, so if you’ve got one foot out the door, I’m maybe not the right person for you. But if you are ready to commit to your health, your mindset, your emotional wellness, your heart, soul, spirit, and rebuild yourself and your relationship with food & body, you are 100% in the right place.

I got you.

Everytime I witness a strong person, I want to know: What darkness did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.
— Katherine MacKenett

What’s Included:

✔️ 1 Primary Session - 1.5 hrs including a Personalized Follow Up Protocol

✔️ 5 Bi-Weekly Follow Up Sessions - 1 hr each, each including a Personalized Follow Up Protocol

✔️ 6 Bi-Weekly Modules including Nutritional Handouts, Worksheets, & Journal Entry Suggestions

✔️ In-Between Session Availability:
For Check Ins & Questions

✔️ Topics Covered: Positive Food Habits & Behaviours, Mindful & Intuitive Eating Strategies, Establishing Good Food Rhythm, Specific Food Choice, Habit & Behaviour Modifications, Emotional Connections, Intuitive Movement/Exercise, Body Image Healing

If you are ready to make the commitment, then I encourage you to just say yes.
Say yes to yourself.
Say yes to your health.
Say yes to your mental well-being, your emotional wellness, your sanity, your body, and your searching heart.

Let’s get started.

Book Your FREE Discovery Call Below and Let’s Get Things Rolling!