dairy free

Plant Based Holiday Meals

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Thursday, December 12th, 6 - 8pm
In Partnership with Kootenay Co-op
Call to Register: (250) 354-4077 ext. 205

Looking for healthy, meatless, holiday meal inspiration? Busy hosting friends or family, or contributing to potluck dinners, but wanting to expand your holiday meal repertoire? Join in on a fun and festive class that’s sure to put a health supportive twist on some traditional holiday dishes, as well as introduce some unique & modern food creations that are sure to contribute to happy bellies throughout the holiday season. Go home armed with crowd pleasing meal ideas & recipes that are all plant-based, gluten & dairy free, and that you can feel great about serving!

$30 for members and $35 for non-members
Includes in-kitchen demonstration, recipe book, & small meal