Nourish + Nurture

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Building Positive Relationships with Food & Body

4 week course, every Thursday, Jan. 17th – Feb. 7th , 6 – 8pm
@ Manistone Wellness Centre, Nelson BC

 In this 4 Part Workshop Series, we will explore and deepen the relationship with food and body. We will introduce Mind-Body Nutrition exercises and Intuitive Eating Practices as well as cover topics such as fear foods, body image, guilt & shame, chronic dieting, toxic dietary beliefs, and language. There will be offerings of guidance and support throughout each session with in-class work-shopping & exercises, as well as homework assignments to explore.  The goal is to provide practical tools and exercises to bring awareness and healing to past, current, and future issues with food & body, while learning how to integrate positive food relationships into our present lives. Each workshop will include informational handouts, discussion, in-class exercise, dietary focus, and suggestive homework. Snacks & tea also provided.