Brain Detox

Detoxing Your Mind

Sad, but true, we live during a time when our exposure to toxicity is at an alltime high. There are toxins in our food, in our environment, in our furniture & clothing, and toxic messaging that is coming at us from all sides via social media and internet channels.

Anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADHD, and mood disorders seem to also be at an alltime high - not surprising or unrelated. And it’s upsetting, I get it, I’m right there with you.

While there are a plethora of medications out there as bandaid approaches for many of these common imbalances, sometimes needed and sometimes unnecessary, there are so many easy practices that can be set into place in order to help support us with our mental health, detoxification pathways, and to help ease the burden of over-stimulation and negative messaging.

If you are looking to help support better Mental Health overall, detoxing the mind & brain as often as possible, is more important now than it has ever been before.

Here are a few simple things to consider:

Detox Your Mind

Prioritize Your Sleep: Most adults need about 8-9 hrs of sleep every night. What’s happening with your circadian rhythm influences energy, motivation, appetite, mood, etc. Get into the habit of going to bed at the same time every day and consider a sleep routine that starts about 1.5 hr before bedtime. Remove screens from the bedroom, prioritize a cool, dark room, and maintain balance with stress and nutrient intake throughout the day. 

Reduce Inflammation: Paying attention to the diet long term will help support better cognitive health, reduce brain inflammation, and increase your ability to concentrate, multi-task, and keep up with life’s demands. Regularly include anti-inflammatory foods like cruciferous vegetables, leafy greens, sprouts, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, fermented foods, wild fish, seaweeds, healthy fats, and herbs/spices. 

Exercise: Regular exercise is supportive of mental clarity, better sleep, better energy, increased motivation, increased mood, reduction in depression & anxiety, and is critical for the circulation and cardiovascular systems. Include a minimum of ½ hr/day and include a variety of kinds of exercise: weight lifting, endurance/cardiovascular, gentle exercise: walking, and exercise that induces sweating. 

Minimize Toxin Exposure: Keep a close eye on toxicity exposure in & out of the home, in food, plastics, beauty care products, cleaning products, etc. This is a long term game - continue to pay attention to your continual exposure and see if you can make regular modifications to maintain reduced exposure where you can. 

Minimize Technology: Heightened and long term exposure to screens & technology can increase stress and anxiety, while reduced exposure can increase productivity, mental clarity, energy levels, and mood. Aim to reduce exposure first thing in the morning and at the end of the day - start your morning routine with some gentle movement and tea, include some meditation or mindfulness practices, and start your bedtime routine in the evening about 1.5 hrs before going to bed. 

  • Reduce exposure to toxic material online as well - clean up your social media feed, unfollow profiles that are not supportive, stay away from too much news, and focus on what matters to you, is supportive & positive. 

Spend Time in Nature: Nature can counterbalance hectic lives, stress, and is supportive of brain detox. Take walks in nature as often as possible. Take phone calls while you walk, listen to audiobooks or podcasts, have business meetings while out for a walk, prioritize time outside on weekends. Nature can increase creativity, reduce anxiety, and induce mental clarity.

Mindfulness Practices: Including regular mindfulness practices can help calm the mind and nourish the nervous system. Everyday practices of meditation, even 5 - 10 minutes, have shown to have incredible health benefits such as: reduced stress, increased sleep quality, increased memory, reduced anxiety & depression, increased sense of balance and ability to handle everyday challenges. Other mindfulness practices to consider: yoga, breathwork, walking meditation, body scans, and gratitude practices. 

Expand Relationships: Supportive relationships can help keep us inspired, motivated, increase knowledge, expose us to new opportunities, and help us to feel safe, held, and provide us with an important sense of belonging. Stepping away from relationships that are not nurturing can be a hard but positive way to enhance your quality of life, while stepping towards new & uplifting relationships can encourage you to expand, grow, learn, and increase your sense of adventure. 

Challenge the Brain: Aim to continuously challenge the brain with learning, movement, and exercises. Never stop learning - look for courses that will positively influence your life or enhance your education for work; take self-improvement courses, read books, attend conferences/retreats, etc. Other practices to help challenge the brain include puzzles, sudoku, crosswords, games, learning a new language or playing a new instrument, or engaging in brain challenging movement like dance or tai chi.  

Consider Supplements: Consider the inclusion of supplements that support brain health. A few to consider: Milk Thistle (liver support), Probiotics (gut health), Green Tea (energy & antioxidant content), Medical Mushrooms (immune support), NAD+ (enzyme activity, cellular metabolism), Vitamin C (antioxidant support), and Vitamin D (immune function). 

If you are looking for support with Guided Detoxification, Mental Health, or adapting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet, connect with me to find out how we can work together!

Here’s to better Mental Health & Peace of Mind ♡