Nutrition Tips & Holistic Strategies
My philosophy around Nutrition is based heavily in placing priority on nutrient quality & density, choosing real, whole foods, and relying primarily on plants to nourish the entire being: in mind, body, & spirit. A Holistic Approach involves coming at the imbalance from all sides, considering individuality, and the person as a whole.
There are many simple strategies to integrate into your everyday life to encourage thriving health, gentle detox, and a positive mindset. This New Year, may you prioritize feeling resilient, strong, passionate, and present in all that you do!
If you love to camp, but find yourself resorting to grab’n go, packaged foods more than you’d like, here are some of my favourite tips on how to up your food game while camping.
Moving into this last month of summer, be sure to make REAL FOOD a priority and FEEL GOOD about what you are eating & feeding your family!
If you’ve been wondering how the health of the Gut affects your overall health, why the state of our digestive health is in crisis, and how to look after your GI tract in order to support thriving health, here’s a great place to start!
If I haven’t yet convinced you in previous posts & blogs, here’s the DIRT on this amazing family of vegetables & how to best incorporate them into your life EVERY DAY!
5 Ways to Rock Your Health This January
We may all have differing NYs goals for this upcoming year, but in a world in health crisis, I really hope better health is a top priority for most. There are simple, everyday things that all people can do to keep their bods functioning well, their minds clear and focused, help to stabilize mood, and decrease stress & anxiety. This NY, make health your priority!
Managing the Covid-19 All Day Snackathon
If you have been finding your self returning to stare into the depths of your fridge, time and time again, scratching your head, wondering how you got there, you are not alone! Here is some snacking advice to keep you from diving into the chip bowl, arms & mouth wide open, during current times of Days-in-the-life-of-staying-home.
Protect the health of your brain every day
There is an incredible amount of things you can do to increase your brain function, reduce inflammation, and decrease chance of disease development without the use of medication or synthetic supplementation. It’s all about the choices you make, the foods you eat, how you eat, and how you spend your time.
Late Night Snacks You (& Your Body) Can Feel Good About
Although eating past the dinner hour isn’t ideal, real life can get in the way, and for some, eating later in the evening is just their reality! As with everything food related, there are better and worst choices that can be made in the hours past dinner and what you put in your body at that time can greatly affect how good you feel when you awake the next morning!
mellow out those pesky hormones
You may not believe this
make me kind of…
I know, it’s very shocking, but true. And I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not alone on this one.
feeling stuck on breakfast inspiration?
Breakfast can be a tough one for many bleary-eyed, sleepy headed, non-morning people. Between waking up the littles, rushing to find clothing, pack lunches, wash, brush, and warm up the car, putting effort into a balanced and delicious breakfast has just lost its priority.
Revamp your morning style with some of my favourite breakfasts!
love thy liver
Why Cleanse the Liver?
The liver is pretty much the big kahuna of the bodily organs; it has several vital roles to play and is responsible for much of our overall health. All of the blood leaving the stomach and intestines must pass through the liver. The liver must process this blood, break it down, balance its pH, and distribute it, creating the proper nutrients for the body to use.