For Parents
As parents, we have an incredible job of raising the next generation of eaters, food growers & cultivators. Teaching our kids about food quality, choice making, and positive habits can set them up as stronger, healthier humans long-term.
If the morning chaos has got you pulling out your hair and dropping the ball on good quality breakfasts, I’ve got a plan for YOU! If you’ve also been looking to include more Plant Based Foods in your diet this New Year, here is a great way to motivate & keep you on track!
raising intuitive eaters
Most of us were raised to believe that certain foods were “bad” while others were “good” and that how we behaved would dictate what we got to eat that day. The problem with this way of raising eaters, is that it teaches children to detach from food; to put food into “good” and “bad” categories; igniting feelings of insecurity, lack of control, guilt, and shame when it comes to food.
why rewarding kids with sugar is so detrimental
We’ve all done it. It’s just too easy:
“be good in the store and I’ll get you a lolly”.
The thing is: it generally works! And you can’t say that about all parental tactics, that’s for sure. But this particular tactic has extremely detrimental effects on our kids’ relationships with food.
no more food fights: Your kids, school & blood sugar
Children are much more volatile than adults when it comes to food. They react more to irritants, they often show signs of deficiencies and intolerances that adults don’t generally have, and they are much more affected by fluctuating glucose (blood sugar) levels.